Line of Best Fit Review of World Peace is None of Your Business

The above review by Michael James Hall is the best review I have read yet of Morrissey’s new album, World Peace is None of Your Business.  I don’t agree with a few of his small criticisms,  and in the beginning he makes the same mistake of many journalists by saying that basically this is a return to form.  Although it has been five years since Morrissey put out a new album, and I do believe his new album to be the best of his newer releases, all of his last three studio albums have been essential listening for me.  Anyway, these are small complaints because Hall does largely get why this is simply a fantastic release both musically and lyrically.  This record is not only one of the crowning achievments in Mozzer’s career, but is absolutely one of the best albums put out by anyone in recent years.  I have only heard the album three times, as travel has prevented me from streaming it more, but each time my jaw has been on the floor.  If you are looking for intelligent music that is also subversive,  very melodic, and musically inventive,  look no further.  Once I get home, and get my hands on a physical copy, I intend to explain in full detail why I think so highly of this record.  I am clearly a fan, as anyone else reading this blog can tell, but this record belongs in any intelligent music lovers collection.  It is that good.  On first listen some the melodies seem complex and challenging, but by listen three every one  of them is ingrained in your head, never to leave.  Also, even if Morrissey had been taken off the record, his band is reaching new heights, creating music that is stunning in its own right.  I know that I have been writing a lot Morrissey lately, maybe too much to some reader’s consternation,  but I am simply over the moon about this album.  It’s my party, and I’ll cry if I want to…

You can stream the record here in full in the states: is streaming it in England. 


The joy brings many things

It cannot bring you joy
Sons of mothers huddle here
Men and boys

1850 swung the doors
And human sewage swept inside
Where victims speak in whines
And where the hardened cried

I was sent here by a 3 foot half-wit in a wig
I took his insults on the chin, and never did I flinch

A swagger hides the fear in here
By this rule we breathe
And there is no one on this earth
Who I’d feel sad to leave

You see we all lose
We all lose

What those in power do to you
Reminds us at a glance
How humans hate each others guts
And show it given a chance

We never say aloud the things
That we say in our prayers
Cause no one cares

Many executed here
By the awful lawfully good
But the only thing that makes me cry
Is when I see the sky

Brendan Behan’s laughter rings
For what he had or hadn’t done
For he knew then as I know now
That for each and every one of us
We all lose
Rich or poor, we all lose
Rich or poor, they all lose

Mountjoy by Morrissey.  The new album is up and streaming at  it is fantastic.  I will review it in full once I get my hands on a copy next week and can spend more time with it.  It is hard streaming it on tour from my phone.  First listen blew me away as I feel like he is really pushing himself to new places on this one. 

Mountjoy is a prison where, among regular inmates, famous prisoners like Brendan Behan spent time.  I am coincidentally reading Behan’s Borstal Boy at the moment. 

These lyrics are stunning, especially when married to the music.  Although they look backwards they could not be more contemporary given the sad state of justice in the world…

Q Magazine World Peace is None of Your Business Review

As anyone that reads this blog will know, I am incredibly excited for the new Morrissey record, especially after hearing the tracks that have been released.  All the reviews I have read for the album have been 4 our of 5 stars and one was 8 out of 10.  For those of you that are fans like me, here is a link to the Q Magazine review.  For those of you that not, you should be!  It’s almost here.  



The Bullfighter Dies Spoken Word

This is a spoken word promo for the new Morrissey single. He has done a spoken word promo for each of the four digital singles that he has released. All of them have dry sense of humor and an old Hollywood feel. I especially like in this one when he is reciting the last chorus with a smile upon his face. He knows what he is doing. Morrissey has long been a champion of animal rights and this song supports that stance through humor.

I’ve been listening to a great deal of 60’s pop lately, of which Morrissey is also a fan. I can’t help but feel that the actual song is in the vein of the 60’s novelty pop song. It’s even just over two minutes in length which was often the single length at that time.

My only criticism of this song is I wish Jesse Tobias’s guitar was slightly louder in the mix as he is playing a beautifully chimey guitar part that is not his typical fair. But another greatly enjoyable pop song by the old Mozzer.

Here is the link to the actual song:

Earth is the Loneliest Planet Single Review

Earth is the Loneliest Planet is Morrissey’s simplest lyric in some time, maybe since Best Friend on the Payroll or Do Your Best and Don’t Worry from Southpaw Grammar.  I am probably missing something but those two jump out.  (I actually like both those songs and especially love Best Friend on the Payroll.  I’ve always found Southpaw to be his most underrated album.  Boz Boorer and Alain Whyte kill it on guitars on that record.  The whole band is great.) The lyrics are basically the title of the song with a couple key phrases to add some light and shade to it.  And for those of you that think he is not living up to his Smith’s heritage all I have to say is Some Girls Are Bigger than Others or Never Had No One Ever.  Morrissey has been writing lyrics this way since he started.  And if the lyrics are simple in terms of the amount of lines that he has written, trust me, as you play the song numerous times different nuances make themselves known. 

The melody is textbook Morrissey; it’s a unique melody that sticks in your craw once you have heard it several times.  What makes this track so outstanding, where it really raises the bar, is the music.  Flamenco guitar, French café sounding accordion, ghostly female backing vocals, and a take the paint off the barn guitar solo are all there together among other things! 

What is really interesting to me now that we have heard three songs from the album is how adventurous and outward looking the production and music is.  Along with the three sets of lyrics, that all seem to look out at the world, the music really has a worldly quality to it without being what you would call world music.  The writing is still very much in the World of Morrissey, but each song has different flourishes that make you think of different cultures.  When Morrissey does what my brother and I call the “victory lap” in his Autobiography, when he talks about all of the success his music has met in all corners of the globe in the last part of his book, it makes me think that he has folded all of these places back into his music.  The fact that has been able to do this while still retaining a very unique musical and lyrical identity is really exciting.  Please let the next month go quickly, I want this record!   

Istanbul Single Review

I have waited a couple of days to review the new Morrissey single Istanbul because it felt like a grower.  My initial assumption is right after not being initially sure of what to make of the song.  The song is not as melodically captivating as the first single, World Peace is None of Your Business, but its melody slowly creeps into your head until you can’t forget it. 

The lyrics are very interesting.  Morrissey is singing in the third person, which he doesn’t do a great deal of, although he has done it before.  The song is about a father searching for his son in the title city.  The son has become a prostitute.  The lyrics are full of regret and empathy.  It appears the father drove the son out for being gay, though I could be reading into that as it is not made expressly clear.  The father has had a change of heart and wants to find the son before it is too late.  In the beginning the father talks about how the mother died when both were younger.  There is also a lyric about the father having a child when he was too young, implying that he feels he did not do as good of a job as he was supposed to.  This song tells a story from beginning to end with the father tragically finding the pine box coffin that the son is in. 

In many Morrissey songs, like When I Last Spoke to Carol, tragedies have a slight degree of comedy.  It is often the divine comedy of life, as it relays the absurdity of the human condition.  However, in this song there is no comedy.  It is a story again told with a great deal of empathy. 

Both lyrically and musically, although I will have to wait until I hear the full album, it seems as if Morrissey is branching out.  Don’t get me wrong, the things that have made Morrissey unique and the reason that those of us who love him have followed him, are still there.  However both the lyrics and the production of these songs seem more outward looking than ever before.  Most of Morrissey’s early work took place in Great Britain.  Whether they were personal reflections or story songs they were very firmly rooted in his homeland.  His last few albums have broadened his lyrical palette in terms of place.  You are the Quarry was very much an LA album despite having lyrics about Camden and the British legal system.  Ringleaders of the Tormentors charms had a lot to do with his then current home of Rome.  On these first two singles he again seems to be looking out at a much larger world and the problems that are taking place within these times. 

While Vauxhall and I will always remain my favorite, this album seems to be branching out musically as well and it is very exciting and interesting. The track Istanbul features field recordings from that city.  There is also a great musical moment when he sings of street gangs and an army of congas rise to the front of the mix.  Although he has used the sound of a storm before, in Life is a Pigsty, in this track, along with the other examples I have used, the sound of the song conjures up visual imagery of the title city. 

It should also be noted that guitars and bass sound particularly tough and sinewy.  Along with all the added textures this is the sound of a well tested road band playing at the height of their powers.  I simply cannot wait for this album to come out. 

World Peace is None of Your Business Single Review

I have been a lifelong Morrissey fan.  I’ve listened and read enough about him to notice when things were missing in Mozipedia, the encyclopedia based around his life.  I should confirm my bias that he is probably my favorite musical artist of all time and that only very few of his songs have failed to connect with me. (Noise is the Best Revenge being an example.)  Although I haven’t collected every version of every single and b-side, I don’t have money like that, but I do have all of his studio albums, most of his singles, and most of the b-sides and unreleased tracks that are easily acquired.  So keep that in mind when I write a review of his new single.  I have a history with the man.

I don’t know if I would write the same exact review of his new single had I not just read two very powerful books.  These books are Stephen Kinzer’s The Brothers and Matt Taibbi’s The Divide.  Kinzer’s book about the Dulles brothers and Taibbi’s book about the injustice of our justice system both include horrible examples of state sanctioned violence both at home and abroad, and by state I mean America.  One only needs to read the news to see state sanctioned violence happening in places across the globe.

Morrissey’s World Peace is None of Your Business is a song that’s lyrics are blunt about state violence and the kind of especially middle class existence that allows you turn a blind eye to this violence.  This song is left wing, but it is also anti-government.

Morrissey has always sung songs championing the outsider’s in society.  This is why this most British of pop stars has fans in every corner of the globe.  Many people wonder why, for instance, he has a large Latino fan base in the U.S., but it is because despite any specific details of his songs, he sings of those that are not accepted by the mainstream.

There are basically two types of Morrissey songs that have been his mainstay since his comeback album You Are the Quarry was released in 2004.  There are his blunter political songs which feature simple language, exemplified by American is Not the World from You Are the Quarry, and his more poetic character studies and personal reflections in songs such as The Father that Must Be Killed from You Are the Quarry’s follow up album Ringleader of the Tormentors.  I believe Morrissey is smart enough to know what he is doing.  I’ve read some fans online criticizing his more blunt political approach, saying they don’t live up to his rich poetic heritage, but I believe when he wants to make a specific point he simply gets rid of any language that could get in the way of making that point.  He is being blunt and to the point on purpose.

World Peace is None of Your Business is this kind of political song.  However, even in language that is relatively simply and which will never leave you confused which side he is on; there are shadows and different ways of interpreting lines.  A pop song is like a good piece of propaganda.  It will get you to turn your head and look a certain way, but there isn’t the time and space for a well reasoned argument covering all of the ground of an essay or book.  Morrissey is a master of this form.

Morrissey is also an excellent provocateur, he throws out lines and statements like bombs and the intent is to start a conversation as much as it is to finish one.  He is savvy enough to still cut through to the headlines in this age of constant information.  When he called the Chinese “sub-human” over their treatment of animals, many blasted his choice of words, but many like me also saw for the first time the cruel treatment of dogs and other animals in China.

In this single Morrissey is making cause with the oppressed masses of the world.  He specifically mentions Egypt, Bahrain, Brazil and the Ukraine.  The rich who run our governments and corporations are his antagonists.  He also is belittling the safe middle class life that allows those oppressors to keep their power.

In the middle of the song he sings the provocative line, “Each time you vote you support the process.”  Now I am someone that believes one should always vote.  However, like Chuck D has said, voting should be like taking a bath in that you should always do it, but it’s the least you can do and you shouldn’t feel too proud of yourself for doing so.  I am still someone that believes strongly in voting as it is one of the many tools we have for influencing a democracy.

However, this is where the books that I mentioned earlier and Morrissey’s nationality come into play.  Morrissey was a vehement critic of Thatcher in the 80’s, especially for how she destroyed the working class.  However, it was Tony Blair’s Britain that aided the U.S. in its criminal invasion of Iraq.  Both Labor and Tories, the two major parties in Britain, are tainted.  He is also an anti-royalist and someone that has noted the police abuse in Britain on many occasions.

As for myself, especially after reading Matt Taibbi’s The Divide, I have realized that both American political parties allow a great deal of state sponsored violence to take place.  Bill Clinton’s presidency ushered in many of the problems that we face today.  I still believe the Democrats are better, especially when held up to the insane right wing Republicans of today, but no one is completely innocent.  We need to do more than pay our taxes and vote to be good citizens.  We need to bare witness to the injustice that is being done in our name with our money.

All of this works for the reason that so many of Morrissey’s songs work.  He is simply one of the best and most original melody writers of our time.  Listen to this song several times and it will get stuck into your head.  He excels at all aspects of the pop song, although I will note that this song’s arrangement is more complex than some of his other singles.  One of his best tricks has always been his scathing words married to his beguiling melodies.  I believe Tony Visconti, one of Morrissey’s producers, said that Morrissey’s main aim was to get people to feel something when listening to his songs, even if that feeling was being uncomfortable.  This song is full of emotion and a large part of that comes from his absolutely stellar melody.

The music and production on this song are excellent.  While not as layered as his masterpiece, Vauxhall and I, the production is probably as large of scale as anything he has put out since.  It starts with percussion and what sounds to me like a didgeridoo before a tinkling piano brings us into the true song.  Despite being just over four minutes it is an epic with a frayed guitar solo, remember when pop songs had those, and an outro of jackbooted drums.

One of the most important things is that the words are actually clear in the mix.  This is normal for a Morrissey record, as you buy his records as much to hear the music as to hear what he has to say, but in much of rock and indie rock has become something of an anomaly.  Often vocals are buried in the mix or treated so heavily that they become another part of the music.

Love him or hate him he is one of the only pop stars that consistently not only has something to say, but is willing to say things that will make certain people uncomfortable, and not just by being sensational.  He wants to see a different world than the one that he lives in.  He still views the pop song as a place for ideas and revolution.  Some may laugh at this, but just last year there was a girl photographed bravely in front of riot police at a protest in Britain.  Guess what, she was wearing a Smith’s shirt.

New Morrissey Single and Video

The new Morrissey single, World Peace is None of Your Business, is out today! It is the title song from his upcoming album due out July 15th.  Here are the lyrics:

World Peace is None of Your Business

World peace is none of your business
You must not tamper with arrangements
Work hard and sweetly pay your taxes
Never asking what for

Oh oh, you poor little fool
Oh oh, you fool

World peace is none of your business
Police will stun you with their stun guns
Or they’ll disable you with tasers
That’s what governments for

Oh oh, you poor little fool
Oh oh, you fool

World peace is none of your business
So would you kindly keep your nose out
The rich must profit and get richer
And the poor must stay poor

Oh oh, you poor little fool
Oh oh, you fool

Each time you vote you support the process
Each time you vote you support the process
Each time you vote you support the process
Brazil, Bahrain 
Oh, Egypt, Ukraine 
So many people in pain

No more you poor little fool
No more you fool

Here is a strange but enjoyable promo video where he speaks the lyrics and gets a visit from Nancy Sinatra:

New Morrissey Lyrics

Mad in Madrid
Ill in Seville
Lonely in Barcelona
Then someone tells you and you cheer

Hooray, hooray
The bullfighter dies
Hooray, hooray
The bullfighter dies
And nobody cries
Nobody cries
Because we all want the bull to survive

Gaga in Málaga
No mercy in Murcia
Mental in Valencia
Then someone tells you and you cheer

Hooray, hooray
The bullfighter dies
Hooray, hooray
The bullfighter dies
And nobody cries
Nobody cries
Because we all want the bull to survive

The Bullfighter Dies from Morrissey’s upcoming World Peace is None of Your Business.  The live versions of three of the new Morrissey songs can be found on YouTube.  The songs you can hear are World Peace is None of Your Business, The Bullfighter Dies, and Earth is the Loneliest Planet.  This one sounds like a classic pop song with his usual flair for drama.  I definitely had a good laugh while listening to the song for the first time.  I only wish the record were out today.  Just thought I’d post these for those of you that are also fans.

Why Song Titles are Important



Above is the track listing for the new Morrissey album, World Peace is None of Your Business, was just released.  One thing I have always loved about Morrissey is that he provides his work with many interesting titles.  Song titles are important.  Other than New Order, who to me have a certain communist bloc aesthetic in the sense that much of their artwork, music, and lyrics have a certain blankness to them that I believe is on purpose, I usually cringe when I see simple one word titles.  90’s bands often did this with songs titles like Sliver.  (I can’t remember if that is an actual title or not, but that was the kind of thing you would see often during that period.) 

Occasionally you can have something simple and it will have depth to it.  Bruce Springsteen’s The River has a certain carved in stone biblical nature to it.  Most of the time though a good song title can raise interest in a song and sometimes even provide added meaning to it. 

A song title is also a great way to start writing a set of lyrics.  If you have a strong title in mind quite often the lyrics will write themselves.  Sometimes I will come up with the chorus to something last, which often is where a title might originate from, but this is challenging.  Verses and bridges can often have various ideas that work together, but need some strong theme to tie them together.  A great title line or chorus is the thing that usually becomes the thread that runs through a piece.  If you can come up with that thread first then you can venture out from that unifying idea and know if something works or not.  Think of it like this:  If you know that you are writing an autobiography, a work of fiction, or a history book, then you already have some idea of the content that you can put in it.  If you have that strong song title then it already will start to direct your ideas in a certain way.  If you start with verses first, which can often lead to great writing as well, you will find yourself looking for that unifying idea later, which, at least to me, can sometimes be a challenge.  There is no right way to do things.  It is only that coming up with a great title first can be a way to get the ball rolling. 

I often find that a strong title will get me interested in something.  Bob Dylan’s A Hard Rain’s a-Gonna Fall captures the imagination is a way that pulls you in.  Sure, once you have pulled people in you need strong work or you will lose the attention of the listening.  However, getting people to take the time to check something out is important.  When I see the song title World Peace is None of Your Business, there are many ways in which that could be interpreted, and my curiosity is peaked.  A song title is like a headline to an article.  It doesn’t necessarily mean that the article is any good, but it gives it a better possibility of it being given a chance.